- History
- The American Motors Corporation was founded in 1954 with the merger of Nash and Hudson. The following 33 years until it was bought out by Chrysler are an interesting piece of industrial, technical, and design history, with many parallels to the struggles of today's automotive industry.
- Pacer
- The Pacer surely is the most unique US-produced compact car. Read which ideas led to its design, and why it still became a commercial failure in the end. If you are thinking of getting a Pacer, take a look at the AMC Pacer Buyers' Guide.
- Karmann
- German manufacturer Karmann has a connection to American Motors.
- Gallery
- Press photos, scanned brochures, film appearances, and readers' contributions.
- If you have remarks, corrections, contributions of any kind to these pages, or if you just want to tell me you found it helpful, interesting, or boring, please make use of the contact form.
- Links
- AMC related
»AMC Pacer Webring« site by Wolfgang Mederle

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Very special thanks to Lars Trebing for clueing me in regarding web standards numerous times, for critique and suggestions, and to my ex-wife for her help with the artwork, for testing, and for her patience.
© 1998-2010 Wolfgang A. Mederle. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 2019-12-25 16:23